
Comfort in the Face of Rejection

ImageI’ve dealt with quite a bit of rejection. It hurts and the really scary thing is I started to believe every unkind word that was ever said to me. Yet I managed to disregard the compliments. That can lead to incredible darkness and depression, trust me. When I see it in other people, it seems so unnecessary and pointless. There’s too many wonderful people out there who feel like freaks because someone else needed to cut them down to make themselves feel better and they bought every lie. 

Other people are not the keeper of the truth. They are just human beings faced with the same inadequacies and heartaches we all go through. I was reading Isaiah 51 in the Bible again today, and if you are struggling with rejection and hurtful comments, this if a great chapter to read.

It comforts me immensely because it puts rejection and scorn in their proper perspective. It says that we don’t have to be afraid of other people’s insults because they’re going to pass away, but God’s righteousness will last and his salvation will go on forever. (Isaiah 51:7-8)

It goes on to say that our current sadness will disappear and we will be filled with joy forever. Then God compassionately reminds us that He, Himself, is the one who comforts us, so we don’t need to be afraid of mere humans who wither like the grass and disappear. (Isaiah 51:11-12)

When we’re feeling alone, when others have rejected or abandoned us, God is still there. Thankfully, He comes to us with open arms even when we’re at our lowest, when we’ve turned our backs on Him and when we’ve done horrible things. He sees us as people of incredible value. 

To read more about your value in God’s eyes, visit “Our True Identity

To read more about beginning a relationship with the God
who’s ready to forgive you, visit “The Path to Heaven

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